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Leyton School Board Increases Paraprofessional Pay

The Leyton Board of Education met on Monday, Aug. 9 at Leyton High School.

Among the many issues discussed, the board reviewed salaries for special education paraprofessionals. The discussion came during review of Classified Staff wages. Previously, the board approved a 3 percent increase for staff. Superintendent Chris Geary asked about the pay rates for bus drivers — Activity Bus rate, Substitute Shuttle and Substitute rate. Board members told Geary they believed the increase was across the board, for all staff.

The discussion continued to paraprofessionals, specifically for special education. The board was informed paraprofessionals are required to take classes. Furthermore, the compensation structure for

The lengthy agenda included “Consider and take appropriate action on Settlement, Release and Waiver of Claims Agreement with Jodi Craig.”

Before the board reached that point of the agenda, audience members urged the school board to disclose how much the District is paying Craig.

Addressing the issue, Board President Suzy Ernest said the it started as a personnel issue, and the district's attorney advised not to discuss it in public. Additionally, the board had met on the subject three times in executive session prior to the Aug. 9 board meeting. Board member Roland Rushman moved to approve a settlement with Craig. The motion was approved with board members Dave Wiedeman and Lisa Carter abstaining.

Before the vote was cast, Wiedeman said he abstained because Craig is a friend. He went on to say if the District does not settle, the case will not end. He said it could be taken over by each party's insurance companies if not settled directly.

Carter said she would not vote because she did not feel she had enough information.

The motion died for lack of a second.

Craig had coached volleyball at Leyton High School for more than 20 years and the girls track coach. She also taught business, computers, physical education, and served as the National Honor Society advisor at Leyton. She also served as the freshman class sponsor.

She graduated from Wauneta-Palisade High School in 1992, and Chadron State College in 1998. She is married and has two teenage children.

In other business, the board


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