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I’ve written about the subject of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) once before in this paper, and I don’t want to give the impression it’s a subject I’m obsessed with. But I have become increasingly interested in UAPs since the flap of “drone” sightings we had in our area a bit more than a year ago.
I consume a lot of news each day from a wide range of sources. In doing so, I’ve seen the number of articles and interviews about UAPs increasing in recent weeks. Perhaps that’s because congress passed a bill recently with imbedded instructions to the intelligence community to disclose by the end of June what it knows about strange craft sighted in the skies over America and near its military assets. While the increased interest seems to have been triggered by recently leaked video of UAPs taken by U.S. Navy F-18 fighters in 2004 and additional released video taken in 2015, second-string media reports in recent days with video of a UAP submerging in the ocean and taking off underwater at high speed have again brought the subject to the forefront. The steady stream of video acknowledged by Navy sources as “authentic” without additional comment, along with the pending report to congress, has many speculating if the government is preparing us for a disclosure that could be one of the most important in history.
I have in recent months begun to monitor websites and podcasts that deal with UAPs. To be sure, there is a lot of content out there from people who are several fries short of a happy meal. But I’m drawn to those who, like me, appear to be generally interested and have not drawn any firm conclusions. The prevailing view among the more sane in the self-described “UFO/UAP community” is that the coming report to congress will be a closed-door event and likely be delayed beyond the June deadline.
If forced to disclose what’s known on time, consensus is that the report will be heavily redacted. Should that be the case, we must ask why and what is it that our government doesn’t want us to know?
Among serious researchers taking UAPs seriously there are four prevailing theories concerning UAPs, what they are and who is behind them. One says they are advanced aerospace technology possessed by a nation or nations on earth. Another is that the objects are extraterrestrial in origin and operated by a race or races of beings from another planet. Yet another, which is growing in interest along with the idea that ours is one of many parallel universes, is that the craft are interdimensional, crossing over from one universe to another through “portals” between worlds. The final view, and yes it IS being considered, is that there is a supernatural origin of UAPs, be it demonic, angelic or something else.
It’s interesting that all this is coming to a head now, in a time of chaos and violence worldwide. That’s just the environment that many world religions say an entity from outside our world will arrive to set humanity straight and usher us into a new age of world peace. Some say people are ready to embrace a solution from outside our existence to come help us. Such thinking is hopeful, exciting and potentially very dangerous.
Why dangerous you ask? I could write much on this, but for now will simply say, “Beware of false gods.”
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