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Sidney School Board OKs Staff Changes

The Sidney School Board of Education approved changes to graduation requirements.

The changes align graduation requirements with the State's core curriculum requirements. Beginning this fall, ninth grade will be required to take World Geography, 10th grade American History, and 26 current juniors will need to take American Government, and 32 current juniors will need to take a semester of World History and a semester of Economics. Freshmen for the 2023 school year will have a semester World Geography class, 10th grade American History and World History, and juniors or seniors American Government and Economics. For the 2024 school year, 9th grade will be required to attend World Geography and World History, 10th grade American History and 11th or 12th grade American Government and Economics. The 2025 school year will include World Geography and World History for 9th grade, American History for 10th grade, and Economics for 11th and 12th grade.

Total graduation credit hours will be 260 to graduate: 85 elective coursework, 40 language arts, 35 social studies, 30 science, 30 mathematics, 30 vocational and fine arts and 10 physical education.

The board also reviewed and approved three resignations and four contracts in its May 10 meeting.

Middle School PE teacher Colt on Ehler submitted his resignation. Ehler has been employed by the Sidney district for seven years. In his resignation letter, Ehler said it is time to move on to new challenges.

“The last seven years at Sidney Public Schools have been a wonderful experience and I have had the privilege of working with some amazing people. I am honored and grateful for the opportunity you gave me seven years ago to begin my education career in Sidney,” he said in his resignation letter to District Superintendent Jay Ehler.

Dean of Students Ryan Plummer submitted his resignation, closing 11 years with the District. His last day with the District is May 31.

Jack Thorpe submitted his resignation. In his letter, he said he is retiring after 27 years with Sidney Public Schools.

The board then approved hiring Erin Meyer as elementary school principal. The agreement is for a one-year contract.

The Sidney School District lost West Elementary School Principal Gene Russell when he accepted the superintendent's position for the Ogallala school district.

The board also approved contracts with Connor Blumanthal, Cody Hofrock and Janelle Matthews.

Blumanthal comes from Alliance and has taught at Bridgeport Elementary and High School, and earned his Bachelor of Science from Chadron State College. Hofrock finished his degree in 2020 and has worked for the Sidney Public School District as a substitute teacher.

The board also approved the purchase of a 2021 John Deere Gator for $24,580.

Jennifer Schneider was recognized as the staff member of the month. The recognition is made on behalf of Dairy Queen, French Door and Sidney Floral. Schneider is an Instructional Coach for grades K-3.

The board was also presented with a report on the multi-cultural studies in the elementary schools. The studies include each class from PE to Social Studies and include fair play to the influence of different cultures in the U.S.


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