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President Joe Biden last week announced America will cut carbon emissions in the U.S. By 50 percent before the end of 2030.
His comments drew thunderous applause from globalist leaders attending a climate summit, leftist “progressives” in the U.S., and even louder cheers from America’s enemies. Why? Because the result will be the death of red-state rural America.
How, you ask? A big target of the initiative is agriculture, especially livestock producers. Advocates of the Biden plan say in order to meet the proposed target, Americans will have to reduce consumption of red meat by 90 percent, and consumption of dairy and poultry by 50 percent.
The stats say that means limiting each American to just 4 lbs. of beef per YEAR by 2030 – or one quarter-pounder a month, according to the U.K. Daily Mail quoting Michigan University’s Center for Sustainable Systems. (It’s interesting that British media covers this subject better than American media, isn’t it?) Say goodbye to the family ranch.
Another part of the initiative calls for phasing out internal combustion engines. The Mail cited in its report the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy as saying 65 percent of new car and SUV sales, and 10% of large truck sales will need to be electric vehicles by 2030 to meet Biden’s goal.
The average small electric car price today is around $55,000 for something that might go 250-300 miles between charges, and the average charging rate is around 10 miles per minute or at least a half-hour to “fill up” – and you thought lines for gas were long now at times! Clearly politicians and activists have no clue how far we drive out here where their food is grown.
Electric vehicle range and cost aren’t the only problems with Biden’s assassination of fossil fuels. Ask an average urban college student where electrical power comes from and they’ll likely say either a wall socket or a power company.
But Biden wants to shut down 200 coal-fueled power plants by 2030 WITHOUT building nuclear plants to replace them. Where will the electric vehicles get their juice? Solar and wind the activists say smugly. Ask Texans how solar and wind worked out for them during a week of severe winter weather recently.
We haven’t even touched on farm equipment. We’ll need electric tractors, electric combines, electric sprayers, etc. How will the government force farmers to make the switch? By taxing the heck out of gasoline and diesel. Don’t doubt me.
What about farm houses? Oh, our president hasn’t forgotten you. He wants all American houses heated with heating oil or propane refitted with all-electric heating and cooling units for an average cost near $6,000 per home. Besides, if everything’s electric, the government can shut down your power if it deems you naughty.
By now you’re starting to see the new challenges our president wants to drop onto rural economies already stressed by COVID and other factors. His initiatives will put many restaurants and small businesses that support the rural areas out of business, depressing rural economies even further.
Family farms and ranches owned for generations will have to be sold, but who in their right mind would buy them? For the answer to that question, I refer you to Biden’s 30 x 30 plan.
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