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Board Approves Staff Changes

The Cheyenne County School District No. 1 Board of Education accepted three resignations and approved five teaching contracts Monday.

The board met Monday, March 8, at the Sidney High School auditorium.

Tomi Rodak, Shannon Wilde and Zach Banzhaf each submitted resignations.

Rodak, who teaches at West Elementary School, has accepted a position in the Bridgeport Public Schools.

“After much reflection and consideration, I have accepted a position with Bridgeport Public Schools beginning with the 2021-2022 academic school year,” Rodak said in her resignation letter. “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Sidney Public Schools, and will fondly remember my co-workers and friends.”

She added teaching in Bridgeport will allow her to return to her hometown and be closer to family. She will also have the opportunity to expand her skill set by working with younger age students, and open the possibility of working with students of various ages.

Shannon Wilde closes 11 years with Sidney Public Schools.

“It has been an incredible honor and privilege to work with this district and the outstanding professionals that are in every building, at every level,” she said in her resignation.

Elementary music teacher Zach Banzhaff also submitted his resignation.

“I could not have asked for a better school district to launch me into my professional career. I think many districts pale in comparison to SPS (Sidney Public Schools),” Banzhaff said.

He commended the staff and administrators for the support offered him. He added his resignation is not related to the climate of the district, but the desire of his family to move back to the Chadron area.

“We had been pushing the feeling on the back burner for the last year and have finally decided to take the step,” he said in his resignation letter.

The board also approved five teaching contracts. Vali McDaniel, Silke Hunker, Katie Jessen, Soni Schilz and Kelly Meier were approved for new contracts.

Sidney School Activities Director Paul Newland was recognized as the Educator of the Month by Dairy Queen, Sidney Floral and The French Door. Newland is the AD and assistant principal at Sidney High School.


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