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Engineers to be Invited to Future Council Meeting
The Sidney City Council and City Manager David Scott discussed findings on a recent traffic study regarding the Fort Sidney Road and Pole Creek Crossing intersection recently.
The City contracted with MC Schaff & Associates of Scottsbluff to conduct a traffic study of the intersection.
The process started when the City received a request for traffic signals at the intersection in response to accidents that have occurred there.
In a January 14 letter from Donald J. Dye, P.E., of MC. Schaff & Associates, Dye said a traffic light at Fort Sidney Road and Pole Creek Crossing is not warranted at this time.
“The analysis is based upon existing conditions, as collected during the week of November 17, 2020 through November 24, 2020. This engineering study was performed in accordance with the traffic signal warrant criteria described in the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD),” Dye said in his letter to Scott.
The intersection of Fort Sidney Road and Pole Creek Crossing is currently controlled with stop signs east and west controlling Pole Creek Crossing traffic. North and South traffic on Fort Sidney Road travel at a posted 40 mph. Fort Sidney Road is designed with turn lanes approaching the intersection.
The study used nine “warrants” to define the intersection: 1- eight-hour vehicular volume, 2- four-hour vehicular volume, 3- peak hour, 4- pedestrian volume, 5- school crossing, 6- coordinated signal system, 7- crash experience, 8- roadway network and 9- intersection near grade crossing.
The study found no hours of both streets traffic volumes meeting the No. 1 warrant criteria, according to Dye's letter. Warrant 2, the four-hour study, is for where the intersecting traffic is the main reason for installing a traffic study with no data to justify it. The study also did not find justification for peak hour consideration, there is no school crossing, no high-volume of pedestrian crossings were proven.
Scott said the City could have traffic control lights installed. However, the State could have them removed.
One of the questions discussed is if the City could modify the pedestrian barrier on the west side of Fort Sidney Road.
“That's the biggest obstacle,” Scott said. “You can't see over the top rail.”
Representatives of M.C. Schaff will be invited to the next council meeting to discuss their research and the City's options.
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