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The Cheyenne County Commissioners heard two requests for vacation of county roads in their January 19 meeting.
Randy Mathewson met with the commissioners regarding closure of County Road 24 between County Roads 77 and 79. He said the land adjacent to the road was bought more than 40 years ago.
“It's an attractive nuisance. Nobody lives there,” he said.
Commissioner Phil Sanders asked about access to pastures for fire protection.
“Access to that area, there's just not a lot of it,” Sanders said.
County Attorney Paul Schaub said the process to vacate a road includes an electors' petition.
Sanders said he understands the upkeep of the road issue, but there are other concerns as well.
“The trash is a problem. I get where you're coming from,” he said to Mathewson. “But road access is a problem also.”
The commissioners then met with Highway Superintendent Doug Hart who was representing a feasibility study to vacate County Road 89 between County Roads 10 and 12. According to the meeting discussion, the road was opened in 1923 and not improved since then. The road reportedly shows little or no use.
“We're not in the business of closing roads. In my opinion, we need to keep the roads open,” said Commissioner Randy Miller.
After the presentation, volunteer firefighters present at the meeting encouraged the county to keep roads open for better access during emergencies.
In other business, the commissioners approved an assistance application for up to $1,500 for Eloy Maes for burial of Gena Maes. The commissioners also approved a Special Designated Liquor License for Pheasants Forever for its annual banquet March 3. As of this date, Panhandle Public Health District COVID regulations limit crowds to 75 percent of capacity.
The commissioners also discussed the RV dump site at the fairgrounds, and the fencing at the fairgrounds.
The board also set the mileage reimbursement rate at 56 cents per mile, approved the accountability and disclosure regarding county contracts and bidding, approved Commissioner Darrell Johnson to return as the board chairman and Commissioner Phil Sanders as the vice-chairman, and the Sidney Sun-Telegraph as the official county newspaper and KSID as the official radio station, and as the county website. The board also approved Walt Narjes, Bill Sydow and Pat Dorwart to return to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Troy Kurz to return to the Fair Board.
The board also approved a Floodplain/Floodway Development Permit for Union Pacific Railroad for reconstruction/replacement of a bridge located in Section 25, Township 14 North, Range 49 West of the 6th Principle Meridian.
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