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Straight Talk From Steve

We are finally getting some good news about the coronavirus. The number of hospitalizations in Nebraska declined last week and both Moderna and Pfizer are beginning to send out vaccinations. Because those working in the medical field, those in nursing homes, and high risk individuals will be the first to receive these vaccinations, the rest of us will have to wait. So now is a good time to remind the public about what can be done at home to treat the symptoms of the coronavirus.

The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons has released to the public A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment: A Step-By-Step Doctor’s Plan That Could Save Your Life. A link to the full guide can be found on my Legislative webpage. For now, though, I would like to share some of the practical advice that these physicians and surgeons are urging the general public to follow in order to treat the disease at home.

Taking a “wait and see” approach to the coronavirus is dangerous, especially if you are over the age of 50 or have a medical condition which puts you into the high risk category. Countries with the lowest death rates are urging citizens to take preventative measures, treating patients early and offering home remedies. Because results for a COVID-19 test could take several days, there some home remedies that you may begin immediately.

The guide provided by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons recommends taking certain vitamins and minerals. Among these vitamins and minerals, zinc in perhaps the most important. The guide suggests taking a recommended dose of zinc sulfate 220 mg. Zinc is critical because “It helps block the virus from multiplying.” If you contract the coronavirus a prescription for the drug hydroxychloroquine can help, because it is “the carrier taking zinc INTO the cells to do its job.”

Other vitamins recommended by The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons are 5000 IU of vitamin D3 in oil capsule form for 5-30 days. Vitamin D3 provides a significant antiviral benefit. They also recommend 1000 mg of Vitamin C once or twice per day. Vitamin C provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Some physicians are even recommending quercetin as a natural transporter for zinc, although it is not as potent as hydroxychloroquine.

Quercetin should be taken in low doses. Quercetin does not get into “lung tissue unless you take massive doses (3-5 grams a day), which cause significant GI side effects such as diarrhea.”

Finally, another home remedy for those with coronavirus symptoms is aspirin. The guide provided by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons recommends taking one adult aspirin (325 mg) per day. Aspirin works as a blood thinner. The risk of experiencing a heart attack or a stroke increases as the disease worsens. So, taking a baby aspirin every day will help stave off a heart attack and a stroke as your body develops the necessary antibodies it needs to fight the disease.

These home remedies represent some simple things you can do at home to help keep the coronavirus at bay, but they are not intended to replace the directions or advice of your own physician. I am not a physician. Everyone reacts to the coronavirus differently, so following the directions and advice of your own physician is absolutely paramount to overcoming COVID-19.


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