Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

A Message From the ESU13 Administrator

ESU 13 school districts are now into their third week of having students back in their school buildings. As your ESU 13 Administrator, I have had the privilege of working collaboratively with superintendents and principals throughout the Panhandle since the start of the pandemic, which has included weekly, and sometimes more frequent meetings throughout the summer months.

In mid-July, it was made clear to school leaders across the state of Nebraska that plans should be made, in conjunction with local health departments, to safely reopen schools, which is exactly what the 21 school districts in the ESU 13 service area have done. Individual school district plans vary, but from my vantage point, one thing has been clear...each school district developed a reopening plan that is reflective of health conditions in their area, valued staff and patron input, and a plan that would keep their schools open for as long as possible.

Realizing the importance of social and emotional well-being and the value of in-person instruction, school officials understood that most families want their children in school, as long as they can be assured that a healthy learning environment is provided. Within my own house, I have witnessed the excitement of an educator returning to work in-person with students and an elementary aged child eager to be back in school with their friends and teachers. And for those families that were understandably not quite ready to have their children return to school, Panhandle educators and leaders have worked diligently to provide alternative means for their education. I am extremely proud of the incredible leadership in our school districts, and the manner in which they have approached the pandemic and demonstrated such care and concern for the health and safety of students and staff as they prepared for the reopening of school.

My appreciation and gratitude extends beyond the leadership in our schools. With students back in classrooms, teachers, counselors, paraeducators, bus drivers, clerical, custodial, and kitchen staff are going above and beyond to deliver eLearning, ensure social distancing, and practicing sanitizing techniques to provide the safest environment possible for students and staff. The job of an educator was never easy and the additional expectations of our educators in the midst of the pandemic have only increased the challenges of their work.

Last, and certainly not least, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to COVID-19 Unified Command which comprises Panhandle Public Health District, Scotts Bluff County Health Department, and Region 21, 22, & 23 Emergency Management. Unified Command has been a tremendous partner to our schools throughout the last six months and their support and guidance has been invaluable. They worked tirelessly to ensure that schools had what they needed to reopen safely, whether that be by reviewing reopening plans, answering questions, conducting contract tracing, assisting with the acquisition of PPE, or developing an individualized Risk Dial for the Panhandle that meets the unique needs of the Panhandle perfectly and is not replicated in all areas of the State of Nebraska.

Elements and parts of schools reopening plans are not perfect, and we must be understanding of that. There was no road map for handling a pandemic. Schools are listening, reflecting, and reworking their plans, and we must all remain patient and extend grace to those that are educating our children. THANK YOU to each and every one of our school employees for your commitment to reopening schools, remaining positive, and doing the best you can during these unprecedented times!


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