Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

News You May Not Have Seen

Somewhere between screams of “ORANGE MAN BAD!” and prolonged shouts of “TRUUMMMMP!” in the national social discourse we find legitimate news stories that, had they occurred in a less politically charged times, might have occupied front pages of newspapers across the U.S., perhaps even the world. Let’s catch you up on news real journalists would have made certain you knew about.

Pentagon creates UFO task force to see if aerial objects pose threat. Failure of newspapers to slap this headline on the front page of every edition on August 14 is a slap in the face to every die-hard science-fiction nerd who has seen the spinning newspaper stop on the TV screen to reveal aliens are coming. One would think news that we’re not alone in the universe would take coverage precedence over the latest verbal slap fest in the White House press briefing room. Readers of Air Force Times were up to date on August 14, though. Clever readers will notice the headline is itself an admission. Why investigate that which doesn’t exist? Government and military leaders came as close as ever to admitting extraterrestrial visitation when they acknowledged pilots and personnel are encountering Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP has replaced UFO in the lexicon) possessing flight capabilities far beyond human technology. Video and audio of America’s elite combat pilots attempting to intercept UAPs is available online complete with F-bombs.

Military and civilian personnel familiar with the situation have been making rounds on the podcast circuit and openly admit they have no idea what UAPs are or who operates them. Just that they’re not ours.

“We have things flying over our military bases and places where we are conducting military exercises, and we don’t know what it is and it isn’t ours,” Sen. Marco Rubio, Acting Chairman U.S. Select Committee on Intelligence told WFOR-TV in Miami.

Republicans and democrats alike are worried because a recent poll shows voters favor Zargon the Invincible over both Donald Trump and Joe Biden if he can get on the ballot.

Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes to be released in Florida. So reported the New York Post on August 20. What could possibly go wrong with releasing 750 million blood-sucking mutant insects in The Sunshine State? “Nothing!” said everyone who’s never seen “Jurassic Park.” A UK-based tech company now has EPA permission to proceed. The plan is to release millions of male mosquitoes modified so that all their offspring die before hatching… we hope.

Asteroid headed toward Earth right before Election Day, NASA says. Just when 2020 couldn’t get any weirder, the Center for Near Earth Objects Studies at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory says a space rock identified as 2018VP1 could hit Earth November 2, the night before Election Day. Thankfully, 2018VP1 is not much bigger than a shopping cart and any damage it causes, if it doesn’t completely burn up in the atmosphere, will be minimal – unless you’re the one it hits.

Yes, there IS important news other than the election, and we give it to you here.


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