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SRMC Conducting Community Health Needs Assessment

Sidney Regional Medical Center (SRMC) is conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) for the community. The purpose of this assessment is to identify major community health challenges, possible gaps in services, and other factors that may contribute to less than optimal health and wellness status for the residents of Cheyenne County as well as surrounding counties. This program is performed every three years and includes both surveying the members of the community and surrounding area, as well as holding focus groups.

The CHNA process begins this week and will involve researching data, setting goals, and sharing information from the details collected. The first component used to gather information is an online survey with questions that are designed to get the participant’s perceptions of the major health and social concerns facing our citizens. Next focus groups will be used to provide a platform for more in depth conversations. Later this fall, SRMC will conclude key points from the information collected and goals will be established, and a plan will be generated by collaborating with various local and state entities that are able to support the initiatives selected. A Community Health Implementation Plan (CHIP) will then be created and the report will be posted on the hospital’s website for the public to review.

Responses from participants are confidential and will help guide action steps in addressing the health needs of the community. Community participation is critical to this program being impactful. To take the online survey: or go to the Sidney Regional Medical Center’s Facebook page or website: A paper version is also available at the hospital’s main entrance and various sights around the community. For more information on the survey or getting involved in the specific initiatives, please contact SRMC Community Health, Tammy Meier at 308.254.7268 ext. 1812 or [email protected].


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