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Leyton School Board Candidate - Rol Rushman

Series: Primary Election | Story 3

What made you decide to run for Leyton School Board this year? I've always believed that a person should give a little time to their community and civic responsibilities. So I am running with that in mind as well as the fact that, while I respect my neighbors currently serving on the board, I have a different vision of some key fundamentals for our school.

Two fundamental principals that I see slipping, have convinced me that immediate change is necessary. The first is fiscal responsibility and the second would be the unity and mutual respect between the administration, the school board and our wonderful staff.

What do you think the Leyton School District does well? The Leyton school district has been a respected and vital part our community and region for 42 years. Our students have been abundantly blessed by a caring and competent staff. Our teachers and other faculty members have gone above and beyond what they are required to do, not only teaching to state standards, but also by going to great lengths to demonstrate trust and respect for authority. Our teachers also show genuine care and compassion for their peers and other stakeholders, such as students, parents and other community members. This selfless approach has created an environment of lifelong learning as they continue to reinforce Leyton's tradition of excellence. These relationship building skills are often ignored in the world today but are crucial in the development of healthy and happy contributors to our great Republic.

What about Leyton School District would you like to see change? Fiscal responsibility. I believe in giving the taxpayer his or her best bang for the buck while giving our students a great education. This means retaining high quality teachers and staff while maximizing state funding and cash flow responsibly. Taxes need to be low!

Human responsibility. A unified "team" environment of mutual respect and care at ALL levels is critical for the success of our school and the development of our children. Without allowing adequate discussion time by the board and completing a thorough evaluation of proposed amendments from both inside and outside forces, the future and integrity of the district is put in great danger. It's my opinion also that the relationships between the board, the administration, the faculty, the students, and the patrons of Leyton have become more divided than ever in our history. This is NONSENSE and simply unnecessary.


What characteristics or qualifications do you have that will enable you to implement suggested changes in question 3? I hesitate to answer when asked about my qualifications. Each of my leadership characteristics can be good or can be mis-used. I will pray for the ability to be respectful of all people and to be responsible to our patrons, our teachers-staff, and our students.

As a lifelong member of the Gurley-Dalton Community, I have a vivid memory of what made Leyton great. Remembering Leyton's beginning and witnessing first hand the success of our "new" school, I'm confident that we can face the future with the integrity and strength Leyton had in its infancy. I have always thought that the moment a person thinks he knows it all, that is when he stops learning. In summary, I suppose my characteristics that may help to successfully implement the suggested changes would be respect, courage, responsibility, and care. I pray, that with God's help, I would be able to use these characteristics for the good of Leyton.


What is the most important thing for voters to know about you as they consider your candidacy? I would like to ensure voters that if elected, I will be a vocal representative of, not only the taxpayers, but also the faculty. I would insist that ANY CAPITAL EXPENDITURE, that goes beyond six digits, be voted on by the patron's of the district. I would promote peace and open, honest conversation between ALL levels of administration and the public and would strongly advocate for the ability of anyone to speak directly to the board of education without fear of penalty.


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