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The Cheyenne County Republican Party held their bi-annual meeting for the election of delegates to the Nebraska State Republican Convention to be held June 5 and 6 in Kearney.
Due to the Covid-19 orders, the Party met by Teleconference with Chairman Bernard Fehringer presiding. Four registered delegates, and five guests were on hand for the meeting.
Under new business, Val Nienhueser proposed that the Cheyenne County Republican Party endorse Matt Innis for Nebraska’s Senator, following suit behind Scottsbluff County and Lincoln County. Following discussion, and upon motion and second, the motion carried to formerly endorse Matt Innis for the Federal Senate race in Nebraska. Pat Dorwart and David West were unanimously elected to be the delegates for the upcoming State Convention in Kearney, with Tom Dorwart and Colleen Dorwart named as alternates.
The new County Officers for the next year will be Val Nienhueser, Chairman, David West, Vice Chairman and Tom Dorwart as Secretary/Treasurer. Due to health reasons Bernard Fehringer stepped down as Chairman, and we here in Cheyenne County are grateful for all his guidance and leadership for the past years. We are looking forward to a strong Republican Party here in Cheyenne County, Nebraska.
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