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Airport Authority Moving Forward to New Hangars

The Sidney Airport Authority Board is moving ahead with plans to add new hangars at the facility.

In the Nov. 14 meeting, the board met with Jeff Wolfe, project manager, Airport Engineering, with M.C. Schaff of Scottsbluff.

Wolfe discussed how he wants to approach the project, what the board expects and costs of M.C. Schaff managing the project. The management fee will be about $44,000.

Wolfe said as part of the project management, he will take care of bid-opening and posting legal notices. M.C. Schaff will also design the buildings and hangers.

“Our services include design of the box-style hangar, electric service, hangar-style door,” Wolfe said in Thursday's meeting.

He recommended the board accept an all-steel structure. In a previous meeting, the Airport Authority discussed a pole structure with steel frame. The board said wood or steel frame would be acceptable, as long as the building meets the fire code.

Wolfe said he proposes one box with multiple hangars. Wolfe was asked about the option of one hangar per box.

“I wouldn't recommend that,” he said.

He said the code requirements are different for single hangar construction than for multiple hangar box construction. The board also discussed what size of hangars to construction, what size is typically needed at the Sidney airfield.

“What we found is 16 feet hight and 48 feet wide is pretty common,” Wolfe said.

He said the hangars are built for the average commuter plane. He also recommended a hydro-lift single-panel door as compared to a bi-fold. He said the hydro-lift is safer and easier to maintain.

The hangars will also be built with 120 electrical service and insulation. Hangars will be equipped with “adequate lighting,” advanced from the days of a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, according to board discussion.

The cement floor will be sealed with a sand grit epoxy. Conduit will be included for the option of a hard-wired security system.

Bids are expected to be opened in January or February 2020.

In other business, the Authority Board met in executive session with Sidney City counsel J. Leef regarding the Cabela's hangar. The board voted in a previous meeting to offer Cabela's $300,000 for the building. After near an hour of closed door discussion, the meeting reconvened with board member Jason Petik making a motion authorizing the board chairman to enter into negotiations with Cabela's for the hangar within the parameters discussed in the executive session.

At the conclusion of the executive session, the board was asked what lead to the rescinding of the previous motion and granting the board chairman authority to negotiate the price.

“We were operating under parameters that were not correct,” said Petik.

The board also received a report from George Lapaseotes of L & L Aviation. The board approved his request for a new “cutting edge” for the snow removal blade at about $2,200, and up to $3,800 for new windows in the rental home at the airport.


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