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Operation Christmas Child Collecting Donations

There are homes where being blessed is to have your needs met. For a child to receive a Christmas gift in some of these places is extraordinary.

Operation Christmas Child, a program through Samaritan's Purse International Relief, offers an opportunity for a child to feel blessed in the holidays. Picture the excitement in a child's eyes when he or she is presented with an unexpected box decorated in green and red. It is generally the size of a shoebox and contains numerous articles from hygiene to recreation. Imagine a child who is as excited about a pair of flip-flops as some children would be of an X-Box game. Imagine the child and the giver being equally blessed knowing they have given to a child they may never meet, and the child receiving from someone they likely will never know.

Operation Christmas Child is a program working in numerous countries around the world, dispersing shoeboxes of necessities and fun items as well. The shoeboxes are defined by age group and for boys or girls. Supporters are encouraged to include a "Wow Factor" in each shoebox, a stuffed animal, soccer ball and pump or an age-appropriate clothing outfit are examples. Shoeboxes can then include age-specific fun toys, hygiene items and school supplies. The list of what not to include in a gift box includes candy, chocolate or any food items; toothpaste, gum, used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; liquids or lotions, medications and vitamins, aerosol cans and breakable items such as glass containers or snow globes. The packages also have to be approved for TSA requirements and customs entering other countries.

Age groups are divided into two to four years of age, five to nine years, and 10 to 14. Content is also boy or girl specific. Crafts and activities, clothing and accessories are also welcome.

The shoebox can be one offered by Samaritan's Purse, or one purchased by the donor. The shoebox should be an average-size cardboard or plastic shoebox. If you want to wrap the box, wrap the box and lid separately.

Each shoebox also needs $9 to cover shipping costs. The $9 can be donated online through Donate online and receive a tracking label to follow your box.

"Anybody in town can pack them," said local organizer Cheryl MacKenzie.

MacKenzie has been leading the local effort for more than 11 years.

The Evangelical Free Church is the drop off point in Sidney for shoebox donations. Shoeboxes will be collected Nov. 18-25 at the church, 2763 11th Ave., Sidney. The last day to receive shoeboxes is 10 a.m. Nov. 25. The shoeboxes will be delivered to Alliance that morning and then relayed to Denver where gift boxes are reviewed before being send overseas.

This is the 27th year Samaritan's Purse has hosted the Operation Christmas Child program, sending more than 11 million gift boxes to more than 117 countries.

For more information on local shoebox collection, call Ric or Cheryl MacKenzie at 254-3890.


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