Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Hoar Wins Tie-Down Roping

The PRCA Rodeo came to town on Wednesday at the Cheyenne County Fair, and fairgoers were treated to as full slate of Rodeo Events with competitors from all around the USA and even Australia. A capacity crowd was thrilled by the riding and roping events, and were kept entertained between events by the antics Rodeo Clown Donnie Landis. The top three finishers in each event are listed here; for full results, go to for a complete breakdown of each event.

Team Roping

Name Place Time

Kiehne/Tittel 1 7.0

Martin/Allen 2 7.2

Monnens/Engesser 3 7.6

Tie Down Roping

Name Place Time



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