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Fair and Rodeo Queen's Court Invites Youth to 2019 Fair

T he Cheyenne County Fair and Rodeo is underway and Fair and Rodeo Queen Callie Brown and her court wants to make sure everyone attends the festivities.

Brown, Vach and Van Anne spent Wednesday afternoon at North Elementary School sharing their experiences with students. They visited the school to share with students what a Fair and Rodeo queen does, how the queen earned her title and what students can look forward to at the fair. They also had fund with the children playing games like dodge ball and Battleship.

"We came out here because it is very important," said Lady in Waiting Lacie Vach.

She said the stop was to let kids know what events are at the fair and what they could experience. Vach said they hope children grow up loving the fair the way they did. Brown said a lot of people don't know about the fair and the queen's court. This year, there are three. Brown said Vach and Van Anne were four points apart in scoring. Because of the close score, Van Anne was named as Cheyenne County Miss Congeniality.

Vach said she has heard people talking down the rodeo as a bad experience.

"It's not horrible. It can bring people together," she said.

Brown said she grew up among horses and rodeos. She was encouraged by Whitney Whartman, who would become the queen coordinator.

Vach said she grew interested in the queen contest. As she listened to "why not" more than "why," she entered the contest.

Van Anne didn't grow up in Cheyenne County. She is from the East Coast. However, she did visit the county in the summers, and was quickly enraptured by rodeo.

The court has been in place since the queen's contest just a few months ago. In that time, Brown said she has learned a lot as queen. She has learned the responsibility of representing the county as well as herself. She has also learned skills that will carry her into the next stage of life.

She said she has learned how to write and give speeches, memorizing speeches, and talking in front of crowds.

"This whole experience has been so amazing," she said.

Queen coronation is scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, just before the PRCA Rodeo.

Tickets are available at the Cheyenne County Chamber of Commerce, Cheyenne County Treasurer's office, Cheyenne County Visitors Center, Security 1st Bank, Finney's Ace Hardware and Cheyenne County Fairgrounds box office.


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