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County Approves Property Assessments

The Cheyenne County Commissioners, acting as the Board of Equalization, approved the assessment of several properties brought before the board for protest.

The commissioners met Monday as the Board of Equalization in the Cheyenne County Court Room. One property owner, Ron

Studnicka, was present to defend his protest. He asked for a 10 percent reduction in valuation, based on the CRP contract ending and the tract becoming unimproved grassland. Studnicka also complained in his written statement about his conversation with county assessor Mel Keller and how his questions were answered.

After the valuation was approved as presented, the commissioners went into an executive session for about 30 minutes “to protect an individual’s character,” according to commissioner Randal Miller. The executive session included the three commissioners, county attorney Paul Schaub, county clerk Beth Fiegenschuh and Studnicka.

Following the executive session, the board returned to acting commissioners and met with new Buildings and Grounds Superintendent Thomas Payne. Payne was recently hired to replace retired Buildings and Grounds Superintendent Roger Conley. The board of commissioners then returned to executive session to discuss employee performance reviews.

The commissioners also affirmed the transfer of $30,000 from the Inheritance Tax Fund to the County Fair Fund and approved a special event liquor license for Jason Juracek. The license is for the annual Wild Turkey Foundation dinner on July 19. The dinner will be held at the Cheyenne County Fairgrounds.

The commissioners also approved Schaub writing a letter to the Nebraska State Assessor’s office seeking reduction of valuation on tracts used as gravel pits. According to board discussion, the county is seeking a reduction of valuation from $3,500 to $1,000.


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