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Golf Results

Wednesday Night Golf League Results - June 19, 2019

Week 6 Points (Division 1

Players Weekly Points

McCarville/Petik 2

Ringleman/Lawson 3

Frerichs/S. Wamsley 4

R. Haupt/Hajek 3

Burke/Lambrecht .5

Yahn/Henry 2

Smith/Steffens 4

M. Haupt/T. Richards 5.5

M. O’Connell/Kitt 6

Humphreys/Laws 0

Francone/Roche 6

Season Total Points -Division 1

Players Season Points

M. Haupt/T. Richards 25

M. O’Connell/Kitt 21.5

Ringleman/Lawson 20.5

Smith/Steffens 20

Frerichs/S. Wamsley 18

Yahn/Henry 16

McCarville/Petik 11.5

Francone/Roche 11

Burke/Lambrecht 10.5

R. Haupt/Hajek 8.5

Humphreys/Laws 5

Week 6 Points (Division 2)

Players Weekly Points

Bowen/Long 5.5

Haas/Hanley 5

Hartzler/Smelley 4

Doyle/O’Connell, Tim 4

Johnstone/Raffelson, R. 3.5

DeMasters/DeMasters 3.5

Woodis/Woodis 2.5

Raffelson, BJ/Rosenbaum 2.5

Kokjer/Radcliffe 2

Leininger/Robinson 2

Kuhns/Stark 1

Heller/Miller, T. .5

Season Total Points

- Division 2

Players Season Points

Haas/Hanley 23.5

Stark/Kuhns 19

Long/Bowen 18

Smelly/Hartzler 17.5

R. Woodis/B. Woodis 17

DeMasters/DeMasters 17

Leininger/Robinson 15

Doyle/O’Connell, Tim 2.5

Radcliffe/Kokjer 12

Johnstone/R. Raffleson 8

Raffleson/Rosenbaum 7

Heller/T. Miller 6.5

Week 6 Points (Divison 3)

Players Weekly Points

Batt/Dickinson 6

Foos/Mason 5

Anderson/Keane, S. 4

Alexander/Jung 3.5

Nienhueser, S./Primm 2.5

Hardy/Mackey 2

Pawlak/Rentfro 1

Butts/Namuth 0

(to play match on June 20)

Birner/Wamsley, J. 0

(to play match on June 20)

Ahrens/Blundell 0

Luptak/Nesbitt 0

(to play match on June 25)

Keane, C./Nienhueser, R. 0

(to play match on June 25)

Season Total Points

- Division 3

Players Season Points

Primm/S. Nienhueser 23

Anderson/S. Keane 20.5

Alexander/Jung 17.5

Luptak/Nesbitt 17

Dickinson/Batt 16.5

Mason/Foos 13

Hardy/Mackey 11.5

C. Keane/R. Nienhueser 11

Rentfro/Pawlak 10.5

Butt/Namuth 10.5

Ahrens/Blundell 9

Birner/J. Wamsley 2

Week 6 Points (Division 4)

Players Weekly Points

Watchorn/L. Cranmore 6 Heckenlively/Moore 5

Benzel/J. Johnson 4.5

Gaston/Sukup 4.5

Schrottberger/Sylvester 4

Deaver/Kendall 3

Brown/Holechek 3

R. Richards/Elwell2

Loghry/Myers 1.5

Truetken/Holtz 1

Volkmer/K. Nienhueser 0

Season Total Points

Players Season Points

Watchorn/L. Cranmore 25

Heckenlively/Moore 21.5

Benzel/J. Johnson 19.5

Gaston/Sukup 19

Schrottberger/Sylvester 17

Truetken/Holtz 15.5

Volkmer/K. Nienhueser 13.5

Loghry/Myers 12

R. Richards/Elwell10.5

Brown/Holechek 7.5

Deavers/Kendall 3.5

Pin Prizes 6/19/19

#3 Closest to Pin in Two - Jay Dickinson

#6 Longest Putt Made - Aaron Deaver

#8 Closest to Pin in One - Levi Cranmre

#11 Closest to Pin in One - Stacey Hanley

#13 Longest Putt Made - Dan Rosenbaum

#18 Longest Drive in Fairway- Jeff Yahn


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