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Wheatbelt Hosts Leadership Camp

The Nebraska Rural Electric Association sponsors a Youth Energy Leadership Camp every year at the Nebraska State 4-H Camp in Halsey, Nebraska. The camp provides leadership and team building activities. The camp will be held July 8-12.

Wheat Belt Public Power District will be selecting area youth to attend the camp. It is at no cost to the students. Campers must be currently a freshman, sophomore or junior in high school, and preference is given to those students who are dependents of Wheat Belt PPD customers.

Wheatbelt officials say students are going to make life-long friends, and learn about the electric industry through interesting workshops, demonstrations and presentations by regional experts addressing the many issues affecting the rural electric program. There’s also canoeing, sports, tour of Gerald Gentleman Power Station and Kinglsey Hydro-Electric Power Plant, a banquet, and a dance.

Once students have participated in the Youth Energy Camp, they are eligible to serve as Nebraska Ambassadors at the National Rural Electric Association’s Youth Tour or to be sponsored by Wheat Belt PPD to attend the Youth Tour in Washington, D.C.

Contact Kelli Chaon at Wheat Belt PPD (308) 254-5871 or [email protected] by May 15, to apply.


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