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SHS Education Foundation Fund Raiser Approaches

Sidney Public Schools Education Foundation is presenting a night of food and entertainment featuring - and for the benefit of - Sidney students.

The night of merriment will begin at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6 at Sidney High School. The first part of the evening will be service of a dinner of beef brisket, au gratin potatoes and the fixins’ served by members of the National Honor Society, as well as entertainment from Sidney High School Fine Arts students. School art will be on display, while vocalists and instrumental musicians show their talent.

At the same time, attendees can participate in a silent auction, with winners being announced at 6:45 p.m. Following that, the venue will be moved into the Performing Arts Center, where Sidney one-act play students continue the entertainment with their rendition of “Gilligan’s Island.”

All proceeds from the evening’s fund raising events will go to the SPS Education Foundation for future scholarships to graduating students. In 2018, the Foundation awarded more than $40,000 to members of the graduating class.

Tickets will be available through the end of the month at Western Drug, or through a Foundation Board Member.

Board members include: Brenda Jessen, Donna Wiedeburg, Heather Finney, Carter Kokjer, Alisa Lecher, Andy Hurt, Rick Heckenlively, Don Cruise, Burke Radcliffe, and Larry Nelson.


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