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Achievement Awards Presented to Sidney Students

A half dozen of Sidney Public Schools' top students were recognized at the board of education meeting Monday.

The student recognitions were through the Sidney Middle/Senior High School Monthly Performance Award Program.

The Monthly Performance Award acknowledges student work not only through classroom achievement, but other factors as well. These criteria are:

1. Superior academic performance, (or), dramatic improvement of classroom work, G.P.A. or attitude toward learning.

2. Exceptional work effort toward a particular class project.

3. Outstanding Contribution to the class.

4. Leadership exhibited in the class/school.

5. Citizenship emphasized and modeled.

6. Service to school.

Recognized for the October Performance Awards, along with comments in their nominations, are:

7TH Grade

Grace Weber

Grace Weber is the seventh grade Student of the Month for October.  Grace displays a positive attitude toward learning in each class at SMS.  She takes on challenges and never gives up. During the first quarter of seventh grade, she did a wonderful job of balancing school work with extracurricular activities.  Grace is new to Sidney Public Schools this year and she is proving to be a great role model for fellow students. Grace is the daughter of Steve and Merica Weber.  

8TH Grade

Abrielle Steffens

Abrielle Steffens, known to us as Abby, has been chosen as Sidney Middle School's 8th grade Student of the Month for October. Abby has consistently displayed the qualities that we find desirable of a student representing Sidney Middle School. Not only does Abby excel in her academics, she also demonstrates strong leadership qualities with her classmates.  She is always willing to constructively help her classmates and shows kindness when others falter. Abby, without a doubt, is a hard-working, dedicated student who radiates positivity. - In our experience with Abby, she has been respectful to teachers and other students. Her positive attitude, excellent work ethic, leadership, and patience with others make her an excellent oice for student of the month.  Abby is the daughter of Victoria Williams and Ken Steffens.

9TH Grade

Julia Siqueira

Julia works very hard in class and shows a strong determination to do well at all that she does. She has a great work ethic and is willing to put forth the effort not only to get good grades, but to understand and be successful going forward. She displays great maturity and positive leadership. She also has excellent classroom demeanor and work habits. She is upbeat and kind, and is very deserving of this award. She participates in golf, student council, TOPS club, and Unified Raiders. She plans on attending college possibly at CU Boulder or UNL and major in genetic studies. Julia is the daughter of Randy & Marcia Kottwitz.

10TH Grade

Tiffany Jenks

Tiffany has shown a dramatic improvement in responsibility for school and attendance and that is why she was nominated. She makes considerable effort in the classroom. She is a member of Unified Raiders. Tiffany also loves to write & read and would like to someday be an author. She also enjoys biology and Family Consumer Science. Tiffany is the daughter of Patrick Jenks.

11TH Grade

Logan Wamsley

Logan was nominated because of his classroom effort & good attitude.

Logan is a very good young man, he is very pleasant in class. He strives to do his best and will do more if asked to do so. He participates in football, basketball, and track. He also works at Wamsley Construction and Beyer Farms during the summer. His future plans are not definite but would like to go to college and get a good job that has to do with the outdoors. Logan is the son of Scott & Christine Wamsley.

12TH Grade

Quinn Siler

Quinn is a positive role model for all students to follow. He comes to class prepared, participates in classroom activities and is never afraid to speak up during classroom discussions. He is talented, respectful and hardworking. His positive attitude is hard to ignore! His leadership in the classroom and outside the classroom sets a positive example for everyone.

Quinn is the son of David & Trissha Siler.


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