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Portion of Walking Trail to Close

Beginning Monday, Sept. 10, a portion of the Sidney/Deadwood Walking Trail will be closed near Western Nebraska Community College.

The closure will be approximately one-half mile southeast of the college, said Galen Wittrock, assistant manager at the South Platte Natural Resources District. Wittrock said work is progressing on the Joint East Sidney Watershed Project, and the closure is due to the need to lay underground culverts across the walking trail path.

Wittrock said depending on weather and construction progress, the path will be closed in that area for approximately 10 days as crews dig a trench for the culvert, install it, and restore the area for use.

The watershed project, which is expected to be completed in October, uses a system of bioswales and bioretention ponds to slow runoff from large rain events. In the past, areas near the college and the neighborhood on the east end of Parkland Dr. have suffered damage from runoff. The project has been designed to slow such runoff.


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