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'Nebraskans and the Great War' program Thursday

Nebraska had a significant contribution to World War 1. The impact on Nebraska, likewise, was felt throughout the state.

On Thursday, May 31, “Nebraskans and the Great War” with Spencer Davis will be presented at the Cheyenne County Community Center. The presentation is part of the Nebraska Chautauqua. Chautauqua is an adult educational trend in the 19th and early 20th century period. Chautauqua combines education and the arts. The Nebraska Chautauqua scheduled for Sidney May 31, June 10 and June 14-17 focuses on the World War 1 period.

Nebraska And The Great War recaps the impact World War 1 had on the state, and the State’s contribution to the war effort. It is estimated that nearly 48,000 Nebraskans served in World War 1. Of that number 751 Nebraskans died; 349 died in action.

The presentation is scheduled to start at 12:30 p.m.


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