Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Piano Recital

Three Sidney students will be among performers at a spring recital featuring selected students of Patricia Randolph this Sunday May 6 at 3:30 p.m. at the Kimball Baptist Fellowship Church located at Sixth and Oak Street.

Bailey Bagnell, Jordyn Cook and Kollyn Weimer from Sidney will join students from the southern Panhandle in play. Students preforming include, Ethan Bemis, Chloe Berger, Luke Berger, Rachel Berger, Deanna Horst, Abigail Mars, Lydia Mars, Carly Norberg, Crystal Pile, Michael Steel, Merina Theobald, Dru Weimer, Jason Weller, and Jessi Weller.

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