Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Velasco Earns Nebraska Press Recognition

LINCOLN - Jennifer Velasco, Design Editor and Ad Designer for the Sun-Telegraph, was awarded second place in one of the design categories at the Nebraska Press Association annual awards last weekend.

Velasco's spring promotion was second best in the Sun-Telegraph's class in the Promotions advertising category.

"This award confirms what we already knew," said Sun-Telegraph Publisher Don Ogle. "That Jennifer is one of the best. She puts her heart into every ad she makes for our customers. She takes making the customer look good personally."

The Nebraska Press Association Better Newspaper Contest was judged by newspaper peers from Texas, and included entries in a wide variety of categories from advertising, photography and writing by Nebraska's newspapers. Only the Omaha World Herald and Lincoln Journal-Star are omitted from judging.


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