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Local Ranchers Introduce Students to the Farm Way of Life

The concern in rural areas is often about "growing" the next generation of farmers and ranchers as well as the current season's grains and livestock.

The Gary and Susan Narjes family southeast of Sidney is helping educate students on what life is like on a farm. The family hosted two tours of fourth grade students this week. Son Tyson Narjes and his wife Gina lead the tour, explaining the details of caring for cattle, the breeds of cattle favored at the ranch and what each breed is known for. He told the students his family specializes in cow/calf operations and growing dryland wheat and millet.

He said their main goal of the farm is to be good stewards of the land and resources.

He stressed being a farmer and rancher is not an easy job.

"We're checking the cows all through the day, all through the night," he said.

The long hours are especially common when a cow is ready to deliver, Narjes said.

His wife Gina said since cattle can't talk to people, farmers have to watch how they move and act, learn what is normal and what actions might indicate the cow is sick.

They also explained some of the medications used for livestock, and the process of giving pills and shots.

Narjes said the family has had the farm for about 102 years.


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