Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper
The American Legion and Auxiliary posed a few questions to local students: Are you in the Eleventh grade in high school or equivalent level in home school? Would you like to attend a hands-on workshop in elections and government officers? Would you like to meet over 400 students that enjoy learning and visiting Nebraska’s Capitol in Lincoln?
If you can answer yes, it could come true, all this for free.
The American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion organizations in Sidney are sponsoring students to attend a week long learning experience in Lincoln, studying the local, county and state government processes in a nonpartisan political learning opportunity. This one week paid experience in Lincoln is designed to instruct tomorrow’s leaders in the privileges and duties of responsible citizenship. Cornhusker Girls State will be held on the University of Nebraska Campus on June 3-9, 2018. It is called Cornhusker Girls and Boys State. Check out more information online at
For Boys State, Contact American Legion Post #17 Chairman Jack Bruns, 249-0097 and for Girl State information, contact American Legion Auxiliary Unit #17 Chairman, Phyllis Tuzicka at 254-4681.
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