Bid openings and county roads took most of the attention of the Cheyenne County Commissioners when they met Monday, along with evaluations for several employees.
The Commissioners opened the meeting with routine business, then went into executive session for their first set of evaluations. Scheduled for performance evaluations through the day were Roger Conley, building and grounds superintendent; Doug Hart, highway superintendent; Heather Hausmann, tourism director; and Ron Gusman, veterans service officer.
Following the first review session the commissioners approved an update to the building remodel project for the county building at 921 Hickory St, updating plan drawings and noting a correction to bidding instructions. The commissioners also approved an addendum to the project, extending the contract termination date for the project coordinator following unavoidable delays.
Eight bid for the remodel project were opened. Bids included:
Young Plumbing and Heating for HVAC, $12,800;
BEST Plumbing and Heating, HVAC, $13,588.56;
C&N Electrical Services, $19,878;
Dicks Flooring, Carpet, $5,505;
JJ Plumbing and Heating, HVAC, $9,218.59;
Tate’s Electric, $16,456;
Melchoir Construction, $34,750; and
Leaf Construction, construction, $44,577.
The commissioners are turning all bids over to Tim O’Connell, project coordinator, to confirm them against specifications before awarding bids at their February 13 meeting.
Other bids opened during the meeting included those for renting a skid steer loader for the highway department, based on 250 hours of use per year.
Bids were from Sandburg Equipment, $14,146.50 per year; Murphy Tractor, $37,500; 21st Century Equipment, (2 bids) $14,106.41; and Nebraska Machinery, $5,200 per year. After confirming the Nebraska Machinery bid as a lease figure, the Commissioners awarded the contract to that business.
Two bids were opened for providing emergency sirens to Brownson, Lorenzo and Sunol. The bids were both based on being ready for use on poles wired and ready for installation. The bids, from Prairie States Communications ($42,062) and American Signal Corporation ($42,549.78), will be reviewed for specification before being awarded.
The other big discussion item for the Commissioners surrounded a potential bridge replacement.
A landowner who uses the space under the current bridge south of Sidney as a passageway to drive cattle between pastures had approached Commissioner Randal Miller about concerns that the planned culverts would not suit his needs. Miller asked Hart if other options were available.
Several options were suggested in the ensuing discussion, including a different type of culvert, and making the road a minimum maintenance road to eliminate the bridge.
It was also discussed whether the project, funded through the Nebraska Department of Transportation’s County Bridge Match Program (CBMP), could be altered. The culverts planned for the project have been ordered, and state funds have been used toward those costs.
Hart said he would look into the possibilities and report back to the board.
In other business, the commissioners:
Inspected the “In God We Trust” lettering placed in the Commissioner’s room, and looked at potential lettering by the District Courtroom.
Approved use of the Exhibit and 4-H kitchen and buildings for the Shooting Park Banquet April 28.
Approved the relaxation of design standards for work on County Road 18 southeast of Sunol.
Approved a resolution regarding installation of active warning devices by the Union Pacific Railroad at County Roads 91 and 131.
Reviewed the memorandum of understanding with Cheyenne County Hospital Association for the 304B Drug Pricing Program.
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