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Cheyenne County Commissioners approved security cameras for the county weed building at their meeting Tuesday.
The action was taken on a recommendation in part by Ron Leal, Region 21 Emergency Management Director Ron Leal. The concern came after a door was found open. It appeared there wasn’t anything missing, but because of the equipment stored there, it was felt added security would be prudent. Part of those measures include the security cameras, which will feed into the Cheyenne County Sheriff’s Office.
The Commissioners also got
a chance to “enter” the Sidney Public Library’s Maker Space. Having received an earlier report on library activities and finances from Library Director, a later
presentation gave the commissioners a look at one of the library’s newest programs.
Nebraska Extension Educators Karen DeBoer, Cynthia Gill and Connie Hancock shared information on the National Science Foundation grant received by Nebraska Extension and 4-H which creates a permanent Makerspace in Sidney housed at the Sidney Public Library.
Sidney is the only site in Nebraska to be selected for this opportunity which will be considered a model for other communities who are wanting to create a MakerSpace. By using the telepresence robot, a “virtual tour” of the Sidney Create! MakerSpace was shared.
A commitment made in December is coming closer to reality, as the Commissioners also discussed the styles and choices for placing the motto “In God We Trust” in the courthouse. Two places, near the entrance to the District Courtroom and in the Commissioners’ Room, are likely places for placement.
The Commissioners approved placing the motto after a presentation by The “In God We Trust – America, Inc” organization. The group is working to promote patriotism by encouraging elected officials to “Vote Yes” to legally display our congressionally approved national motto.
In other business, the Commissioners:
Received the semi-annual report from Cheyenne County Treasurer Diane Scott
Held a public hearing on a Nienhueser Farms for a 26.12 acre subdivision known as Schilz Subdivision east of Sidney. The board approved the application, as well as a request to change the zoning from agricultural to residential estate.
Heard a report from County Highway Superintendent Doug Hart.
As the Board of Equalization, made a tax list correction for David Hrbek.
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