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City of Sidney Parks Department crews are set to begin trimming right-of-ways throughout the city.
Beginning Monday, crews will be working their way across the city to trim back trees and bushes encroaching into alleys. The work is done each year for the safety of staff and equipment.
Under City Ordinance 1034.06 Care, Trimming, and Removal of Street or Park Trees, Authority of Utility Companies, Plantings by Residents, Permits: “(a) The city may plant, prune, maintain and remove street or park trees, within the rights-of-way of streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, squares or other public ways or grounds, as may be necessary to ensure public safety.”
The Parks Department will typically work between the hours of 7:30 am – 3:30 p.m., as weather and schedules permit. If obstacles, property, equipment, vehicles, or trailers are blocking the right-of-way or are within the drop zone of trimming efforts, the city will try to make contact with the owner once. If staff gets no response from home owner they will turn over contact to the City Police Department and Code Enforcement officials.
The branches removed will be chipped for mulch. The mulch will be available to the public while supplies last. The mulch will be piled adjacent to the west fence of the Lodgepole Valley Youth Camp.
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