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Light Memorial Presbyterian Church is celebrating its 100th anniversary Sunday.
The Sidney church was formed Aug. 17, 1917, but wasn't voted into the Presbytery of Box Butte until Sept. 11, 1917, Jane Easterly, church board member, said.
The event will be celebrated with a worship service featuring additional music and a piano duet, and a catered luncheon for members and volunteers.
"We have some members who have moved out of town coming back to celebrate," Easterly said. "During that time we are going to recognize those who have been members of the church for 50 years or more."
Rev. Frank Medsker, who served as an interim paster from 1987 to 1988, will attend the celebration.
Donna Schmidt of Loveland, Colorado, an 80-year member of the church, confirmed in 1937, will also be honored by Light Memorial.
The church's centennial is a special event, Easterly said.
Subscribe to the Sidney Sun-Telegraph to read the rest of the story.
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