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SPS staff benefits from ASCD conference

Sidney Public School staff attended the ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) National Conference held in Denver, Colorado in June to great success, SPS Superintendent Jay Ehler reported at Monday’s school board meeting.

“We want to stay on the edge of what’s out there in education,” Ehler said. “It was an excellent conference.”

Joining Ehler were Belinda Westfall, North Elementary principal, Rick Meyer, new South Elementary principal, Chris Arent, Sidney High School principal, and Sheri Ehler, curriculum director.

Jay Ehler said he found the conference beneficial. With its focus on teaching excellence he said the district should send more teachers to attend.

“Some of it is affirmation,” he said. “We are already doing a good job. Some of the questions you hear from other school districts, we’re really good at that or we’ve already done that.”

Sheri Ehler said she enjoyed hearing keynote speaker Robert J. Marzano, author of “The Art and Science of Teaching.”

“We have three books that we use on a constant for all of our staff and that we’ve used for staff development for years,” she said. “It was great to hear him.

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