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Cheyenne Co. approves snow removal, grading rates

Cheyenne County Commissioners discussed snow removal and grading for private and defense access roads Monday, approving agreements that outlined the stipulations of the services.

In a commissioners meeting earlier this month, Highway Superintendent Doug Hart presented a proposed Resolution allowing for the grading and snow removal on private access roads and setting the cost for such service. After a review and discussion, a motion was made to table the issue until the following meeting.

In Mondays regular commissioners meeting the proposed agreement and fees were approved. The new agreement for snow removal states that the county will agree to provide snow plowing for a private driveway at the request of the owner of the property at the discretion of the county and in accordance with Cheyenne County's snow plowing policy.

The cost for snow plow services was increased to $65 an hour and is limited to the driveway of the residence. There is also no plowing done by the county for non-residential access.

Private road surface grading is also offered by the county. The fees for this service were increased to $100 an hour.

Both Snow removal and road grading offered by the county for private roads are at the discretion of the county and are completed after the county roads are deemed to be in acceptable condition.

In addition to private drive and roadways the commissioners approved an agreement for extraordinary snow removal and maintenance on defense access roads. Defense access roads are public highways located in the counties and used by the United States Air Force (USAF).

According to the agreement, under normal circumstances the USAF has the flexibility to reschedule its activities allowing the county to provide snow removal services according to their regular schedules and priorities. However, in certain circumstance the USAF may need services prior to county schedules. The agreement had already been in place; the USAF was requesting modifications to add footnotes to clarify the meaning of the terminology used in the agreement.

To request road surface grading or snow removal email Doug Hart at [email protected] or call (308)-254-4294


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Rendered 07/02/2024 14:43