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Adventist Learning Center of Sidney sheds light on religious liberty

In recent years and during the present election cycle, religious liberty has been the topic of much debate and discussion. In fact, the Barna Group released a report showing that concerns over religious freedom in America have grown significantly. The public dialog has often been heated about concerns over the right to worship, Supreme Court decisions on business discrimination or the public debate over Christian holiday symbols, season greetings and celebrations, to controversial issues of prayer in public school and discussions about creation vs. evolution.

Starting Thursday evening at 7 p.m...


Reader Comments(1)

truebeliever writes:

Just wondering, how many Christians have sued or forced homosexuals to facilitate or participate in a religious event against their deeply held contempt for God? The answer is zero. It is very insulting to falsely accuse Christians of discrimination because they show love for God, on the one hand, and not acknowledge homosexuals discriminating against Christians because of who they are on the other. These are opposing lifestyle choices, and both have eternal consequences.