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Speed limit on Greenwood Rd., Pole Creek Crossing increased to 35 mph

The Sidney City Council approved an increase to the speed limits of two roads surrounding the Sidney Regional Medical Center (SRMC) by 10 miles per hour during Tuesday's regular meeting.

Currently, both roads have a speed limit of 25 mph leading to the medical center, located at 1000 Pole Creek Crossing in Sidney.

The proposed speed limit increase was brought to the council at their March 8 regular meeting through a letter dated Feb. 16 from Jason Petik, chief executive officer at SRMC.

In the letter, Petik requested the speed limit on both streets be raised to 40 mph, mirroring the speed limit on Fort Sidney Road. During the March 8 meeting, Julie Slagle, vice president of patient care services at SRMC, addressed the council on his behalf.

While the council was open to an increase to the speed limits, action was tabled to allow city administration time to locate prior traffic studies conducted on the roads.

Petik was in attendance for Tuesday's meeting, telling council that he was interested to hear the results of the studies.

"Any kind of movement at all would be much appreciated," Petik said.

Council was presented a letter sent to Sidney Zoning Administrator Ben Dayton from Donald J. Dye of M.C. Schaff and Associates, the engineering firm that designed both roads.

In the letter, Dye states that after review, both roads are "within the design requirements" to raise the speed limit to 35 mph.

Dye also states in his letter that once the second phase of Pole Creek Crossing is completed, a curve sign with a 25 mph advisory speed plate might be required on the west of the new bridge because of "the horizontal alignment of the curve required to stay within the proposed right of way."

Mayor Mark Nienhueser said the reason they went to the engineering firm instead of going for a traffic study was because the latter would take more time to conduct.

"So we could adopt this recommendation at 35 (mph) and then, once that street's opened," Nienhueser said.

"We can cross that bridge when we come to it," Councilor Joe Arterburn said.

Arterburn asked City Attorney J. Leef if the letter covered any liability concerns with raising the speed limit. Leef said it did.

After the speed limit change was passed, Councilor Joe Gallaway noted a future traffic study could be warranted along the roads as more development occurs in the area.

The new speed limits will go into effect once new signs are posted on both roads.


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