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Cheyenne County Commissioners raise their salary

First increase in more than a decade

Beginning in 2017, Cheyenne County Commissioners will receive a bump in pay.

On Monday morning, the commissioners approved a resolution increasing their annual salary to $24,500. They currently receive $17,232.

The $7,000 raise is the first adjustment to the elected officials' pay in 12 years, Cheyenne County Clerk Beth Fiegenschuh said.

In addition to the salary, commissioners receive the same benefits as county employees, including health coverage. The resolution also includes a 3 percent cost of living raise.

"I think 12 years is a long time for anyone not to have a pay raise," commission chairman Darrell Johnson said.

The salary increase brings Cheyenne County closer to other Nebraska counties with similar populations.

"Looking at other counties in the state, and for the workload, we're lower than quite a few," said commissioner Philip Sanders of the current pay structure.

The pay increase could also lead to more candidates running for the role in elections, he added.

"That'd be a plus for the county," Sanders remarked. "I know how few there were when I ran."

While someone shouldn't do the job because of the pay, they should be reimbursed for their time, he said.

In addition to two board of commission meetings each month, commissioners serve on numerous committees and organizations and attend training sessions, along with responding to residents' phone calls.

Especially during budget season, Fiegenschuh added, commissioners can have meetings at the courthouse every day.

Box Butte County, with a smaller population, pays its commissioners $23,750, while Keith County, with a similar number of residents, pays $25,250.

Sanders suggested splitting the difference between those two counties – which equals $24,500 – to determine the salary in Cheyenne County.

Johnson made a motion to pass a resolution calling for the raise, which was seconded by commissioner Steve Olson.

The resolution passed unanimously.


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Rendered 08/28/2024 19:04