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The annual U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program has been serving Cheyenne County for several years through the gift of giving, and continues to do so this year.
The mission of the program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December to distribute as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community so they are able to experience the joy of the holiday, and to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the campaign and to contribute to better communities in the future.
According to Matthew Gudahl, the Toys for Tots program county coordinator, the local program has previously helped around 200 kids to be able to open presents on Christmas morning. Gudahl has been a volunteer since 8th grade when his youth group helped each year.
"I got hooked from day one when it came to seeing the faces of parents being able to select toys for their kids and hearing their stories," he said. "It is a very humbling experience and anyone who has volunteered with this program can attest to that."
Last year, the program collected more than 1,500 toys to be distributed to children in Cheyenne County. Sidney's program is able to serve kids from newborn to 18 years old.
"So far, looking at the applications for this year, it is no different and most likely even more kids," Gudahl said. "It's a lot of work with the behind the scenes, but knowing that so many kids will now be able to open a few presents Christmas morning makes it all worth it."
According to Gudahl, the Cheyenne County community is strong when it comes to helping others and giving back. Those looking to volunteer may do so between Dec. 7-12. Those interested in helping must send an email of a message through the "Southern Nebraska Panhandle Toys for Tots" Facebook page.
"This is another area that just amazes me when it comes to people wanting to volunteer and the amount of people that show up to help," he said. "The parents are always so appreciative and some also just need someone to talk to and all of our volunteers have an open ear to just listen. For me to know that I am helping put a smile on a child's face on Christmas morning when they see that they have presents waiting for them is what keeps me going to make sure every year is a successful one."
Local drop boxes for new, unwrapped toys can be found at Accents Home and Yard Decor, American National Bank, Cheyenne County Chamber of Commerce, Cheyenne County Community Center, Dalton Market, Family Dollar, First United Methodist Church in Sidney, Panhandle Automotive Group, Sidney Regional Medical Center, Steffens Home Interiors, Sonny's Super Food and Walmart.
Monetary donations are also accepted through the local and national website for the program. National drop boxes can be found at Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us. Toys "R" Us announced that its annual nationwide fundraising campaign was its most successful in 2014, raising $6.4 million and collecting more than 220,000 toys.
Applications to receive gifts will be accepted until Dec. 7. A pre-registration online application is required to qualify. The toys will be distributed on Dec. 12, starting at 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Sidney.
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