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Businesswomen mentor teens

The Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska's Young Women's Entrepreneurial Camp was held at recently at Lakeview Cabin in North Platte, and included Sarah-Kate Splichal of Sidney. This Girl Scout leadership program brought together high school girls and female business leaders. The four-day camp provides positive female mentorship to build the next generation of leaders in Nebraska. The Girl Scouts and their mentors were, from left: Grace Steinmeyer of Wisner; Colonie Wiley from Union Pacific; Cherokee Purviance of Alliance; Kristi Deardorff from Union Pacific; Megan Ferris of Columbus; Dawn Green from Great Western Bank; Fran Marshall, CEO of Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska; Karen Douglas from Otter Products; Splichal; Sue McKain, a etired teacher; Alecia Keller of Wisner; Diane Mattern, a self-mployed artist; and Samantha Wetzel of Ravenna. Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska is the largest girl-serving organization in the state and more than 22,000 members strong. Nationally, there are close to 3 million girl and adult members involved in the program.


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