Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper
Sidney Shooting Park standings as of April 1:
Points West PW 171
Better Lucky Than Good BLTG 168
The Old Farts TOF 167
Barely Legal BL 154
The Nobody’s TN 152
E Free EF 151
Leftovers LO 140
Banded Warriors BW 137
Blazin Guns BG 127
Individuals – Ladies
Hannah McCloud TN W 44
Jenni Dailey BLTG W 43
Diane Sill EF W 40
Carla Lutz EF W 32
Tabitha Woodden EF W 16
Walt Kern LO 49
Andy Brown BLTG 47
Doug Vath PW 47
John Boldt TOF 47
Miles Fiscus BW 47
Sean Streff BW 47
Tom Noel LO 46
Jared Wire BL 45
Jeff Ellwanger LO 45
John Herring TN 45
Randy Haddix BLTG 45
Justin Lienberger BG 44
Kevin Weher TOF 44
Evan Riddle BW 43
Steve Logan EF 42
Zac Fornander PW 42
Curtis McCormick PW 41
Riley Anderson PW 41
Dennis Highby TOF 39
Kurt Lindower BL 38
Andrew Redwine TN 37
Doug Zingula TOF 37
Dustin McCormick PW 37
Steve Mozis EF 37
Nick Brauer BL 36
Jack Borcherding BL 35
Matt Highby TOF 35
Adam Santero BLTG 33
Chris Buckley BG 31
Justin Hannant BL 31
Randy Jacobucci BG 30
Russell Griffith BLTG 28
John Hawn TN 26
Paul Von Loh BG 22
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