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Good Old Days 03-06-15

Compiled By The Sidney Sun-Telegraph Staff

These stories from the past first appeared in The Sidney Telegraph. Original writing is preserved, though some stories were shortened for space reasons.


March 5, 1965

'Hotel's pool plans

get OK'

A new swimming pool for the Fort Sidney Motor Hotel probably will be built this spring, in time for the summer tourist traffic.

The hotel corporation's building committee has recommended that plans and specifications presented by hotel operator L.H. Russell be approved, subject to prescribed financing arrangements.

Mr. Russell wants to put the swimming pool in the court area now used for inside parking at the motor hotel.

He says there is plenty of room for the pool and surrounding area.

He would then hard surface the parking area to the east of the hotel and this would be the principal off-street parking area.

Mr. Russell said the pool is very important to him in the operation of a modern motor hotel complex, especially in the tourist season.

He said if the plans can be OK'd and the financing approved within the next couple of weeks he can get the construction work started and have the pool ready when the heavy tourist traffic starts in early June.

Mr. Russell took over operation of the motor hotel last July 1 and, according to hotel corporation statements, has achieved an encouraging increase in business volume. He believes the swimming pool will make the establishment even more attractive to the traveling public.

Mr. Russell is the owner of the operating corporation of the hotel but any changes or additions in structural design are subject to the approval of the parent corporation, which owns the real estate.

The parent group has been meeting all mortgage and other payments on a current basis and is making systematic reductions in the total indebtedness, according to C.A. Story, board chairman.


March 6, 1990

'Board considers some sharing with St. Pat's'

The Sidney School Board quickly moved through its scheduled agenda at its monthly meeting Tuesday evening. Items receiving the most discussion related to cooperative programs with St. Patrick's, a possible change of computer systems at the central office and the size of classes in grades K-3.

The cooperative program with St. Patrick's would involve sharing wrestling and weightlifting facilities as well as some industrial arts classes. However, the board took no action other than a discussion of the possibilities and the financial details that would need to be arranged before such a program came into being. No formal proposals were made.

The board, on the recommendation of Superintendent Myron "Bud" Jasnoch approved the mid-term graduation of Sean Holmes.

Also approved was Jim Eberly's resignation of his coaching duties. In their acceptance, the board praised Eberly's hard work and consistency in building the basketball program in his six years as coach.

The board approved nine open-enrollment applications from students wishing to change to a school district outside their residence. Six students coming into Sidney from outside the district were approved, as were three applications of students to go out of the district.

The Sidney High School Student Council presented a written proposal to the board for landscaping the school campus. The council wishes to sponsor the installation of new shrubs and trees, and will find and alternative means of financing the project. The council will ask all of the school's clubs and organizations to join a fundraising project and to provide labor for the landscaping. The project will also be part of a biology class course. The board approved the proposal and praised the council for its initiative.


March 8, 2005

'Council to host hearing on proposed shooting park lease'

The City of Sidney will probably take a major step in the development of a proposed shooting park this evening.

In the first of two meetings, the council will host a public hearing on a proposed lease with the Sidney Shooting Park Association, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

That portion of the meeting will be in the Community Room of the Security First Bank.

The hearing site was moved from the council chambers in City Hall to the bank to accommodate the anticipated large crowd. Up to about 200 people are expected.

Land being considered is approximately 114 acres located on the city's wilderness area northeast of town. If the council approves the lease, it will be for 15 years.

After the hearing, the council will adjourn and move to City Hall and be called into session for the regular meeting.

Major items will be to consider a resolution supporting Legislative Bill 708 that would allocate water for domestic use for businesses and residences, and consider bid specifications for a sewer line to the Hillside Golf Course and authorization to advertise for those bids. That is in conjunction with a proposed clubhouse.

The council will also consider pay estimates related to the city's well field development.

The Sidney Housing Authority will meet following the council session. Council members also serve as the housing authority.


March 6, 2010

'Watch out for wash out'

Watch Out! Cheyenne County Highway superintendent Tom Noel says county roads are washing out thanks to melting snow and runoff. The problem has led to the closure of several county roads.

"Most of the problem areas we have flagged, but they keep popping up," Noel told The Sidney Sun-Telegraph. "Areas are washing out where we never had a problem before."

So far, the list of road closures includes sections of county roads 58, 38, 119, 113 and 16.

The washouts have occurred due to freeze/thaw cycles and melting snow. Noel said culverts have frozen, preventing proper drainage of the excess moisture. Problems are expected to continue until next week.

Noel said the department is seeking help from area residents who travel on county roads to help keep the situation monitored. Due to the speed at which washouts have been popping up, Noel requests anyone spotting an unflagged washout to report it to the county road department.


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