Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Good Old Days 02-20-15

Compiled By The Sidney Sun-Telegraph Staff

These stories from the past first appeared in The Sidney Telegraph. Original writing is preserved, though some stories were shortened for space reasons.


Feb. 20, 1965

'Winter Heads Back: Snow, Wind Today'

The balmy weather enjoyed during the last week has come to an end, for a time at least.

After a high of 57 degrees on Saturday, the sky turned leaden late in the afternoon and a recorded .01 of an inch of rain and snow fell. The thermometer dropped to 15 degrees about midnight.


Feb. 20, 1990

'East German urged not to hoard food'

East German Premier Hans Modrow today appealed to his country men not to hoard food, following an announcement that authorities plan to lift food subsidies.

Meanwhile, a joint commission led by Cabinet ministers of the two Germanys met met today for the first time for talk on monetary and economic union between the two states, a major step on the road to reunification.


Feb. 19, 2005

'Sidney Weapon and Drug Violations up in 2004'

Weapons violations and drug offenses in Sidney rose dramatically in 2004.

Delivery of a controlled substance arrests rose 72 percent, and arrests for being under the influence of narcotics went up by 60 percent. The statistics were the negative standout of the Sidney Police department's annual report presented by Police Chief Larry Cox at Tuesday's City Council Meeting.


Feb. 19, 2010

'Hofrock Family Benefit Dinner Set'

A 3-year-old girl can't catch her breathe. She has been diagnosed with severe asthma but this time its not asthma that's causing her inability to breathe.

Is it a Virus? Bacteria? Tests are not narrowing down the prospect.

She's already been flown to Denver where specialists are doing everything they can to do to track down the culprit and get this little girl some air.

That's a nightmare for any parent. That's real life for the Hofrock family. That's the reality of Paige Hofrock, daughter of Sidney Public Schools Resource Officer Curtis Hofrock. The exact scenario is what occurred Nov. 18.

Fortunately, the doctors were able to help Paige breathe again. Curtis said her medicines were changed up and now she is doing just fine.


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