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Rodeo queen rides her way to a win

For McKenzie Hixon, being the 2014 Cheyenne County Fair and Rodeo Queen has been quite a ride. Thankfully, she is no stranger to the commotion.

As last year's Lady-In-Waiting to 2013 Rodeo Queen Bailey Miller (a position which is akin to being "a princess to a queen," she explained), Hixon got a taste of what it meant to be county fair royalty, and it's not all glamour and rhinestones.

Particularly during fair week, there are many people to meet and events to attend, and not much time to relax.

"It gets hectic," she said.

Becoming Rodeo Queen is no easy task. In order to make it to this point, Hixon had to be graded highest on demonstrations of her horse-riding skills, equine knowledge, and poise and take written tests and give speeches in front of a panel of judges.

All this hard work pays off, however. Becoming fair royalty has benefited Hixon in unexpected ways. Having to attend dozens of public events and talking to so many new people has given her people skills quite a boost.

"I'm not shy like I used to be," she said.

In fact, her favorite part of being royalty is meeting new people.

The 16 year-old Sidney native will be a junior at South Platte High School next year. She participates in volleyball, basketball, and other extracurricular activities, but as for her interest in rodeo, that seems to run in her blood.

"I've always wanted to be part of the rodeo scene," she said.

Growing up, she often attended rodeos with her father and knew she wanted to participate one day.

Hixon's close involvement with horses now helps to prepare her for her future. She intends to go to college to become an equine veterinarian.

Becoming rodeo queen is the aspiration of many young ladies, and Hixon offered some closing advice to those wishing to follow in her footsteps.

"Follow your dreams," she insisted. "I know it sounds cliché, but if you really want it bad enough, you can make it happen."


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