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Farewell Reflections

It has been a privilege to be a resident of Sidney and pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish for the past 7 years.  What a blessing to have lived in a dynamic community where growth is the norm and faith runs deep.  The diverse church denominations that serve the people of God faithfully in this part of western Nebraska stands as a testament that the work of building the Kingdom of God on earth is progressing here.  What a joy to have been part of that for these past years. 

My move to St. James Parish in Kearney will be my eighth since being ordained a priest thirty eight years ago.  These moves are normative for those in parish ministry.  Clergy and laity in most religious denominations know the pattern well, and the pattern is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Over the years people have asked me to identify the favorite parish I have served.  That’s a bit like asking a parent to name their favorite child.  Most parents wouldn’t dare go there because it would be impossible.  In a spirit of humor, I used to set up my mom by asking – in the presence of my other two brothers, of course  – to name her favorite son.  I loved her response:  “All three, deep in my heart”.   Most parents would give a similar response.   That would also hold true for most clergy as well when asked to name their favorite parish.  We are uniquely gifted and blessed by the people in each place we have had the privilege of serving.  Are all the same?  No.  Is each unique?  Yes.  Are some more challenging than others?  Take that to the bank. 

The years spent at St. Patrick’s and in Sidney have been pure gift to me.  I move forward with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for all that has been.  The relationships forged, to be sure, have made me a better person.  I pray that my ministry here has likewise served the needs of many in this community. 

And now I look forward to the marvelous experiences the Lord has yet in store for my life with a spirit of openness and gratitude. My parting prayer for you comes from the Book of Numbers: “The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.”


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