Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Letter to the Editor: Art with meaning

Your article in the Monday's edition regarding the Ponca Trail proposed by Congressman Fortenberry produced some interesting vibes for me and my family. One of the huge murals in the dome of the Nebraska Capital building painted by my nephew, Steven Roberts, depicts the trial of Chief Standing Bear in which the decision rendered by the presiding judge affirmed that members of the Indian nations were in fact citizens of the USA. 

Steve is a commercial artist who competed nationally for the contract to paint the murals in the Capital and is an outstanding people painter. If you look close at this mural you just might be able to recognize my picture plus those of several other family members' one of which is that of his mother, my sister, who passed away several weeks ago. She was an outstanding pianist who played in a TV series and for many other events in Omaha and other Nebraska towns.  

Steve was a very devoted son, as were his brothers and sister. Just thought you might be interested.

C.J. Cornelius



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