Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

No Till Notes: 'No-till Field Days, June 23, 25 & 26'

The Panhandle No-till Partnership will host a series of field days around the region during the last full week of June, 2014. These field days are informal meetings to visit about all aspects of no-till crop production on dry land and irrigated acres. Everyone interested is encouraged to attend and bring along your questions, thoughts, and ideas on how to improve no-till crop production in our area.

Producers and landlords who are considering adopting no-till crop production into their operation are encouraged to attend. We will visit about the benefits of adopting no-till crop production practices. These meetings are a great opportunity to visit with beginning as well as long time no-till crop producers about no-till cropping practices in your area. 

The first field day will be held at the Shane Cullan farm located south of Chadron on Monday, June 23. We will meet at 9 a.m. to begin a tour of Shane’s farm and other farms in the vicinity.

Directions to Cullan Farm:

Turn west on Table Road off of highway 385 south of Chadron and go one half mile west. The field we will begin the tour at is on the north side of the road. The meeting will last for the morning and we will drive to Chadron for lunch.

On Wednesday, June 25, there will be a field day at our farm located north of Alliance. This field day will begin at 9 a.m. and will continue through the morning. We will drive to Alliance for lunch following the morning field day tour. Our farm is located at 1561 CR 61, Alliance.

Directions to Watson Brothers’ farm: From Highway 87, approximately 9 miles north of Alliance turn west on Jefferson Road. Travel 2 miles west on Jefferson to County Road 61 and go half a mile north. From Highway 385, turn east on Jefferson Road and travel 4 miles to County Road 61 and go half a mile north.

Our field day will focus on dry land as well as irrigated no-till crop production. We raise corn, wheat, and pinto beans on our irrigated acres. On our dry land acres we raise corn, wheat, and yellow field peas. We will talk about all the benefits we have seen on our farm from over 20 years of utilizing no-till crop production practices.

On Thursday, June 26, we will meet at Larry Pahl’s farm in Banner County. This meeting will also begin at 9 a.m. 

Directions to Pahl farm:

From Highway 71 north of Kimball turn west onto County Road 14, then travel 3 miles west to County Road 35 and turn south for one mile to County Road 12. Turn west on CR 12 and travel three-quarters of a mile to Larry’s home place.

I will look forward to seeing everyone at these field days. I always enjoy traveling around the Panhandle and visiting with all the producers that attend these meetings. I would encourage everyone who would like to learn or share their ideas on no-till crop production to please attend these very educational field days.


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