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Ten Questions with Dave Collins KSID Radio

Dave Collins arrived at KSID in October of 2004 and covered his first American Legion baseball season for the station the following summer. In addition to baseball, he calls football, basketball and volleyball games for schools across the region--some 900 games in his career. But Collins' voice is familiar to more than just panhandle sports fans. Each weekday on the radio station he serves as news reporter and disc jockey, as well.

1. This was an amazing school sports year, wasn't it?

This was one of the most special senior classes for athletics I've seen in ten years. And it goes beyond achievement in sports. These were good kids.

2. What stands out?

One that stood out was Kimball beating Ravenna in boys district basketball. No one expected them to win, but all of a sudden our boys came through. They never quit.

3. Does it feel good to be back in the baseball broadcast booth?

It does. I love calling Legion baseball. There's a charm to Legion Field. It's a great setting.

4. Ever say something on air during a game and then cringe?

Oh, yeah. There are so many ways to describe the action that you always think 'I could have done that better.' But it happens so fast--you make your call and move on to the next.

5. How about the great calls?

Austin Crane hit a home run last year. That was one of my favorites. Home run calls in Legion ball are all special because there are not that many.

6. Do you have a favorite baseball team?

I'm a die hard Colorado Rockies fan. I went to their second ever game. I've been to hundreds since.

7. A favorite broadcaster?

Absolutely. Larry Zimmer for CU and the Broncos. He was a mentor of mine and still a friend to this day. My favorite now is Gene Deckerhoff. He's at Florida State. I listen to games all across the country. I listen when I travel.

8. So after so much sports radio you don't turn it off in the car?

No. I never get tired of it. On long trips I'll listen to music, too.

9. Do you sing along?


10. Ever consider running a contest where the winner gets to shave Hunter Arterburn's beard?

I don't know if Hunter would let me. But it's a great idea.


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