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This weekend, Christian people in churches throughout the world will gather to celebrate Palm Sunday. On this day, some faith traditions distribute palm branches and invite their worshiping communities to take part in processions that recall the entrance of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem those many years ago. Jerusalem was the city where Jesus would accomplish the work of our redemption. The accounts of that first Palm Sunday are written about in all four gospels (Jn 12:12ff; Mt 21:1ff; Mk 11:1ff and Lk 19:28ff).
We can’t help but be struck by the irony that many of that same crowd who so joyously welcomed Jesus as he entered the holy city would be the same ones who would call for his death a short time later. Doesn’t that reflect the human condition we all share in? It illustrates the tension of grace and sin, light and darkness, life and death that is found in our hearts.
Palm Sunday is the doorway to what is known as Holy Week. Quite simply, this is high point of the church year. The final days of Holy Week are called, in many faith traditions, “the three great days”, known also as Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. In our various church services, we will recall and enter into the marvelous mystery of Jesus’ redeeming work on our behalf. The Scripture readings, the ritual and the prayer of these services and our active participation are all ways that we open ourselves for the grace of God to be at work anew in us, leading us from death to life. In reality, we really can’t know the fullness of the deep and profound joy of Easter Sunday apart from Holy Thursday and Good Friday. These days, this entire week tell the story of our redemption and salvation in Christ.
The Christian community has much to offer our world. We have a message of hope and the possibilities of new life in Jesus Christ to proclaim to others. At the same time, we can only give what we have received and what we have personally known. By experiencing anew God’s redemptive work on our behalf, we have credibility in sharing that experience with others. Indeed, it is our call and vocation as the baptized to proclaim our salvation in Christ.
It’s my prayer that our participation in the church services of Holy Week will renew the gift of God’s life within us.
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