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Ten Questions with Doris Jensen Director, Sidney Public Library

For the past eight years, Doris Jensen has served the city as director of the public library. But she has been devoted to the facility since she began working at the location some 24 years ago.

Her dedication is hardly surprising. She earned a minor in library science from Chadron State College to go along with a degree in elementary education. That degree led to a teaching position in Binkelman before she moved to Sidney, where Jensen taught for 17 years at Sing and Say, a private pre-school.

1. Why the library?

I love to read and I worked in the library in high school. Doing pre-school I wanted a second job. I started working here in the evenings. Then I was hired as the book mobile driver, adult services and interlibrary loan. I more or less started from the ground up.

2. What are the challenges facing small town facilities?

Probably meeting all of our patron's needs in the line of their diverse interests.

3. You don't have an unlimited budget.

We work OK within our budget, but we could use more room.

4. Over the years what has changed?

All of the technology we have to offer. Twenty years ago we didn't have 16 or 17 computers. They take up space.

5. Was it difficult to make that transition?

It has been challenging. We've had to have tech people--tech professionals--help us. But my staff have been able to help people with their iPads and Kindles, that sort of thing. We can offer that service.

6. So, tablet or book?

I've never read on a device. I've only read books. I like the feel of the paper.

7. What is your favorite book?

Oh--that's a hard one. My favorite children's book is "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak. My favorite--I don't know that I have a favorite adult book. I enjoy Christian authors right now.

8. You're surrounded by books all day. Don't you ever just want to kick back with a movie?

You want me to be truthful? I would rather read than watch TV or a movie.

9. You run a lot of children's programs here.

Children's programs are very important because they are our next generation. If you introduce them to the library at a young age, it's more likely that they will continue to use the library.

10. If you weren't a librarian, what would you like to do?

That's a good question. [Long pause] Probably just visit family. I would be retired and visiting family. But I enjoy my job.


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