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Divine Design - Blueprints for Daily Living: Intersection of Grace and Resurrection

According to a 1993 census bureau publication, the most common street name isn’t First Street, it’s Second. Wait there is more! Third is second place and First Street is third.  Had enough trivia for one day! 

In Acts chapter 2, Peter told his listeners about Jesus’ terrible death that took place. Their sins made that death necessary and his excitement for living was built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. He spoke from a heart filled with urgency. “But God raised him from the dead. He set him free from the suffering of death. It wasn’t possible for death to keep its hold on Jesus.”

Standing on the corner of Grace Street, Jesus offers life to all who will believe.  However, there’s another street that intersects with Grace Street.  God raised Jesus from the dead. You are now spiritually standing at the intersection of Grace Street and Resurrection Avenue where you can find a brand-new life in Christ Jesus.

As I was driving my van yesterday, I was going north on tenth preparing to make a left hand turn on Jackson. At one point I was in the intersection of tenth and Jackson. I was on both streets! As I waited for a person walking in the crosswalk, I was thinking about those two intersections of Grace Street and Resurrection Avenue. I need both streets in my life just as each street in Sidney have great value as we travel from place to place across the community.

Because Christ conquered death, we become victorious in our walk with Him. As death had no hold on Jesus, it will have no hold on us as well. The Bible tells us, to be absent in this present body is to be in the presence of God. The secret to that is just simply knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. Once we have traveled down Grace Avenue, we no longer have to fear death as Jesus overcame the grave. The word Grace means: the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. The divinely given blessing of eternal life, forever in Heaven with God. Wow, I personally like traveling on Grace Street, as it is a one way street to God’s presence and peace.

So what streets intersect closest to where you live? That’s a thought for you to ponder. Do you live on the foundation of Jesus Christ at the corner of Grace and Resurrection? I hope so, if not, you can! Blessings to you today as you seek the architect and God of the universe.


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